When you really needed to get some sexual tension out, but no one was around to help, how did you feel? That’s why you have a backup booty call. The backup booty call is someone you can easily call when you want to hook up but have no one else to call.
It’s not the same as the f*ck buddy, with whom you often sleep. The backup booty call is someone you’ve slept with before and can always sleep with again if you need to. You only call them when you need to, like when you’re going through a dry spell or when you’re really horny. You don’t keep in contact with them. They are the person you call when you can’t find anyone else.
I know it sounds mean, but think about the bigger picture. They are getting just as much as you are, and they don’t have to worry about hurting your feelings. They are called “backup” because they are the least desirable person on your team for sex. They don’t have to be bad at sex, but they’re not as good as the people you usually sleep with.
Don’t ever tell this person that you’re calling them as a backup booty call. That’s just a mean thing to do. Also, you call them so often that they probably already know what’s going on. How to make a booty call that is both sexy and successful.
Why should you get a booty call as a backup?
Everyone agrees that sex, especially good sex, is… Scratch that, great sex is the best thing in the world. People like to sleep together because it’s fun and makes them feel great. When we don’t have access to it anymore, we don’t really care that much. But wouldn’t it be better if there was someone you could call whenever you wanted some love?
If you have a backup booty call, you can feel safe, at least in a sexual way. You can call them nicknames or whenever you want, and they are the most likely to agree to have sex with you. That sounds pretty sad, but we’re talking about a backup booty call, not a f*ck buddy.
If you have a backup booty call, you won’t have to worry about your hormones making you want to hump the couch. Don’t get us wrong. Some people find it hard on their emotions to have casual sex. If you can handle it, though, and you’re not hurting anyone, why not?
What the backup booty call can do for you
If you have a backup booty call, you won’t have to worry about going out to meet someone new to sleep with. There is less chance of turning into a skin suit and going through the emotional ups and downs of first dates.
The backup booty call could go away at any time, but you can be sure that they will be there as long as they’re single. They don’t mind if you date other people, but only if you don’t mind if they date other people, too. Before anything else can happen, this must be clear. Some things don’t need to be talked about, but it’s better to know what’s going on than to be caught off guard by misunderstandings.
Since there isn’t a lot of sex, there’s less chance of getting attached. You already know how hormones can make you feel love and affection that aren’t real. Ugh.
Even if you’re just joking, having sex can help you connect with someone emotionally. If you know where you stand, you don’t have to worry about getting hurt, at least until you realize you can’t control it anymore.
The best thing about having a backup booty call is that they’re still your friend. Not only will they be there for you sexually, but they will also be there for you when you need help. Most f*ck buddies try to avoid long-term relationships, but the backup booty call will stay as long as it’s okay.
How do I get a backup booty call?
If you don’t have a backup booty call right now, the only way to get one is to make a deal with someone you trust. Make sure this person isn’t in a relationship with anyone else and doesn’t want one. It’s better to have a friend you really trust as a back-up. Just make sure it’s a friend you won’t mind losing if things get hard.
You can also ask a classmate who you like and who likes you back. You wouldn’t want to be in a relationship with only one person. If someone doesn’t know what’s going on, you could hurt them.
They don’t need to know how often it will happen. Just let them know that you’re willing to sleep with them whenever the two of you are free. You have to keep talking to them, even if it’s just once every few weeks, if you want the backup booty call to stay the same.
Don’t go out with people. You can go out for drinks, but only if you’re going to sleep together soon. So that neither of you gets the wrong idea, these rules have been set up. You can still sleep with other people, but make sure your back-up knows about it and that you are safe. Don’t force them to agree to this kind of plan if they don’t want to.
The backup booty call's parameters
Ways to tell the difference between the backup booty call and the f*ck buddy when looking for the backup booty call.
#1: You can’t want to be in a relationship or be emotionally unavailable. That’s not hard to find at all.
#2: It has to be a person you know well. A friend, a classmate, or a coworker. Simple to find and call.
#3: They have to be good at sex, but not so good that they make you want it. When you do it, you’ll know. But if they’re that great, you might be tempted to make them your f*ck buddy.
#4: You must be kind. Even if you’re just having sex, you want to be treated well.
#5: They must be someone you can trust. You don’t want someone who has been in trouble with the law or has bad habits when it comes to dating.
#6 Must be single. Duh. Don’t put yourself at risk of being the other man or woman just to have a backup booty call.
#7: You need to get a life. Or you’ll always be there for them when they need you.
#8 Must not ask questions. That just makes things more hard.
#9: You have to have it in your life. Don’t let that person fade away into nothing. Say “hi” every so often.
#10: Must accept what will happen. They shouldn’t be angry that you’re sleeping with other people. That’s just the way things are.
11: Can’t be an ex. Yes, we know how easy it is to ask an ex to be your backup booty call, but you’ll just be asking for trouble. How about getting back together with an ex for sex?
What the backup booty call means on a moral level
Some people might say that you’re only using this person to meet your own needs, which is true. Always be clear and honest. Don’t trick them. Don’t make them do anything they don’t want to.
When you don’t care about how other people feel, you become a bad person. You don’t have to stop yourself from having fun with a partner. In this way, everyone wins.
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