Why do we settle? What’s justifiable when dating, and what’s not? Subpar relationships have five key symptoms, read it here.
Even the best relationships have their share of bumps in the road, since not every time with your spouse is going to be perfect. There are a number of ways to tell if you’re giving up too much in your relationship, however.
It's crucial to identify the five key symptoms that you're settling for less than you - subpar relationship:
1. For the Wrong Reasons, You're With This Person
Accepting less indicates that you’re with your partner for the wrong reasons when you find yourself doing just that. Your relationship may not be as fulfilling as it could or should have been if it is based solely on fear of being alone, the desire to avoid being alone in a large group of people, or the obligation to stay together since you’ve been together for a long amount of time.
2. You've been mistreated.
Your partner’s tendency to treat you poorly is another sign. You’re settling and taking less than you deserve from a partner if, for example, he or she is frequently impolite, rude, and always prioritizes his or her needs over yours. To be specific, if your partner is abusing you physically, verbally, or emotionally, you should quit the relationship immediately. Having a spouse who doesn’t treat you with respect, compassion and gratitude is a sign that it’s time to end things.
3. Dissatisfied
It isn’t unusual to find yourself down on a regular basis. Furthermore, if you’re sticking with someone despite the fact that you despise them, have no actual connection with them, and actively seek to spend time away from them, it’s clear that you’ve decided to settle. You should end a relationship if you’re fed up with your spouse and no longer enjoy spending time with him or her.
Be honest with yourself and examine your genuine sentiments towards your relationship, even if it’s difficult. To stay with this person even though you can picture yourself happier without him or her in your life, you’re basically settling in your relationship.
4. What You Think You Are Isn't Who You Really Are
When you’re with your lover, you’re not who you really are. This is a clear sign that you’ve settled. It’s easier to settle for a relationship with someone who doesn’t accept you for who you truly are if, for example, you pretend to enjoy hobbies and activities, make up lies about your background, or otherwise act as if you’re acting in front of them.
A long-term relationship can only thrive if both partners are willing to share their thoughts and feelings with one another. If you’re hesitant to do so, you should look for a new relationship with someone who is eager to get to know, understand and love the real you.
5. You're making too many concessions.
Some of your dreams, objectives, and priorities may feel like your partner is pressuring you to compromise. Forgiving him or her enormous aims and dreams in exchange for tiny things like where you eat brunch or whatever kind of ice cream to buy is a fine line. Staying with your spouse despite the fact that he or she has never shown a desire to start a family is an example of settling for less.
When it comes to big life decisions, you deserve to be in a relationship with someone who shares and supports those decisions, and you shouldn’t have to compromise to the point that you lose sight of your values.
I hope you enjoyed reading this blog about the Settling for less: 5 Key Symptoms of Subpar Relationship. You might be interested in reading When to Leave a Relationship: Top 4 Signs.
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