Facebook is seen with mixed feelings by its users. Additionally, many offline relationships have been damaged by Facebook; don’t allow yours to be the next.
What hasn’t been documented on Facebook is a failed date, a heated argument, or a final split. Someone we all know has a buddy who treats Facebook like a reality show and whose previous relationship ultimately failed because of it. Learn how to protect your relationships from the corrosive effects of social media.
This is how Facebook damages relationships:
1. TMI.
Excessive self-disclosure is bad for your security and privacy, and it’s also frustrating to everyone who has to constantly see you pop up in their newsfeeds. When in a relationship, this sort of conduct becomes even more troublesome. As with every social norm, there is a boundary that can be crossed when it comes to allowing online public displays of affection (or OPDAs for short).
2. Giving too much away.
Even without saying a word, you may be revealing too much about your relationship. Sexting your significant other rather than publishing racy, provocative photographs online is one way to avoid revealing too much about yourself. When a partner sees that his or her spouse’s images have been liked or commented on by male friends or even strangers (if the photos are public), it might cause feelings of jealousy and insecurity.
3. Maintaining social contact with a former partner.
Your partner may feel uneasy, suspicious, and even envious if you engage in chatting and texting with people of the opposite sex from your past or if you coyly respond to comments made by those people. If your current flame is sensitive to your interactions with your exes, you should probably avoid chatting to them in public settings like social media.
4. Having a mental breakdown.
You overanalyze a post your partner made that was completely random and seemed to have no significance. When they share something on social media, whether it’s a photo of their supper (Who did you have dinner with?), a selfie (Where were you in that picture?), a quote (What’s that all about? Whenever you hear the question “Is that about me? *” your first thought is probably about yourself or your relationship. The specters you’ve summoned will keep you on edge or agitated when it’s not necessary. Put your worries aside and give them space.
5. The use of passive aggression in writing.
When a relationship is tense, it’s not a good idea to post about it on Facebook instead of talking to your partner. If you want your partner to change, posting cryptic status updates and inspirational quotes on Facebook isn’t going to cut it.
Instead of broadcasting your relationship troubles online, it’s best to discuss them with your partner. In addition, you’ll only succeed in annoying your pals with your childish rants and hidden messages.
6. Facebook time as opposed to real-world interaction.
When you and your spouse can’t enjoy your time together on vacation because you’re too busy taking selfies and posting them on Facebook, you can see how Facebook can sap the excitement and spontaneity out of any situation. Social media worries take away from time with your partner.
7. Suspicious behavior on Facebook.
It does not just work relationships that Facebook may damage. Because you know a lot about the other person, you’re ahead in the “getting to know you” phase. Since everyone nowadays has Facebook, the days of going on a date completely in the dark are over. You form an instantaneous opinion of the individual based on appearance alone, without learning much more about them. It’s possible your date has formed an opinion of you based on your Facebook profile alone before they’ve even seen you in person.
The risks and benefits of any given technological advancement stem, as with any tool, from how its users put it to work. I don’t think you can blame Facebook for the problems in your relationship. Each person’s social media use and the subsequent impact on their personal relationships is entirely within their control.
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