Gone Girl: Movie Review
Gone Girl has been widely praised in the media, with both fans and critics praising the novel. If you want to know why this movie was so good without giving away the plot twists and turns, read on. However, I will strongly recommend that you see the movie for yourself.
Thoughts that came to mind at first glance..
Actually, I wouldn’t have bothered watching it if I didn’t know it was a David Fincher production. As a result, I’m grateful that I went into it quite unsuspecting. In truth, I went into Gone Girl with hardly more than a rudimentary understanding of the plot.
1. A book by Gillian Flynn — one that my mother had just finished reading and was raving about.
2. One of the few performers that gets more gorgeous with age is Ben Affleck, who stars in the film.
3. This game’s finale is extremely frustrating, so how did it get that way?
To my surprise, I found myself pleasantly surprised by the film, which is something I don’t usually do. To me, seeing a movie from beginning to end is like going through a maze of questions: how were the shots put together? What were the actors doing backstage? And what in the world were the screenwriters thinking? When we came to Ben Affleck, though, I decided to take off my cynical and gloomy movie crown and just enjoy the experience. Indeed, it wasn’t until after the film had ended that I began to question its value.
A digestible summary..
Gone Girl chronicles the narrative of Nick and Amy Dunne, a married couple. His wife, Amy, went missing on the day of their fifth wedding anniversary, compelling him to lead the search for her. Nick’s evasion and unwillingness to cooperate with authorities as the media chase evolves into a circus spectacle makes them fear foul play.
Rosamund Pike narrates Amy’s diary, which tells a very different picture about married life with Nick and casts even more doubt on his character. As evidence of Nick’s extramarital affair emerges, the question arises: Was his wife murdered, or is there another explanation?
My first major plot turn.
I nearly started clapping when I realized what the first twist in the film was going to be. The twist I’m referring to is one you’ll recognize if you’ve seen the movie. The movie completely changed my perspective on things; I was frightened throughout and thought it was excellent.
Accurately portraying the scene.
Carrie Coon’s portrayal of Nick’s down-to-earth twin sister, Margo, and Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike’s portrayal of the main pair were both excellent. Pike has received a lot of accolades and an Oscar nomination for her part as the Amazing Amy, and while I believe that she did an excellent job, I was immediately disturbed by the casting choice for Amy. As the film progressed, I got more and more enamored with her performance.
My accent snout began sniffing as soon as Pike began speaking on screen. Pike is a British author, so I immediately told my husband, “She’s British!” When we arrived home, I checked IMDB to make sure my snout was on the money. My hubby is often astounded by my incomprehensible abilities.
Everyone did an excellent job on stage. The addition of Neil Patrick Harris and Tyler Perry to the group was a pleasant addition, and Ben Affleck did a fantastic job in his role. Neil Patrick Harris, as the sinister and obsessed Desi Collings, stunned me with his convincing performance.
Misogyny, feminism, and rape are all on the table.
I couldn’t stop thinking about the movie’s themes even after I’d seen it. While the Gone Girl book and film have already been the subject of considerable controversy in the media, here’s what I noticed:
1. Misogyny – a combination of prejudice against women and a sexist media representation of women. Others may consider this film as misogynistic, presenting a woman doing traditional “crazy” things in order to achieve what she wants, while others may view it as twisted revenge.
2. Feminism. It’s a huge stride forward for men, but it’s a step back for women? In light of the statements made above, one wonders what this implies about modern-day equal rights in light of this. Gillian Flynn, the author of “Gone Girl,” was so inspired by this film’s heroine that she said, “I murdered feminism. ‘What was I thinking?’
That said, this film does an excellent job of making you question if Nick’s affirmations or Amy’s journal pages were in the appropriate place. Is it better to despise the crazy woman or the cheater who caused her to go crazy? Neither gender should be celebrated above the other in this video, which does an excellent job of illustrating that point.
3. Lying about rape. I’ll stay vague in order to avoid giving anything away. On the way home, my husband and I discussed the film’s depiction of rape. We couldn’t help but point out that it just takes one vengeful woman to lie about being raped for the true victims to be stigmatized as liars in the wake of recent media reports of forced sex and what is termed consensual closeness.
The subject of this film is more about the character’s mental capabilities, yet my eyebrows were raised anyway. “16 Warning Signs Your Partner Is Abusive”
Ben Affleck’s penis
The lighter side of things is Ben Affleck’s Penis, which I discussed before. Yes, that’s exactly what I’m getting at here. For the sake of this incredible thriller, Mr. Affleck goes nude. And my, what a rush.
In actuality, there was nothing sexual or humiliating about the scene. It wasn’t even in a sex scene, to be honest. In the end, it gave us a peek into the tragic conversation of a couple. In the end, it was just a side peen.
Beyonce and Ben Affleck’s thoughts on baring it all in the bath? This is IMAX penis! ” The 3D version costs 15 dollars… Seeing it in 3D is a better experience.” “You’re welcome,” Jennifer Garner said to Ellen DeGeneres when asked about her husband’s nude moment in the movie “Argo,” a reference to his wife.
The never-ending mystery
Despite the widespread dissatisfaction with the conclusion, which is understandable, I thought it was wonderful all the same. The question is, was it love or a trap? I was completely ignorant of the situation. I questioned whether or not the book had a more definitive answer, but I didn’t care. With its intricate web of lies and ambiguous clues, the book’s conclusion seemed just right.