10 Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

June 29, 2022

Yes, telling a little white lie on a first date is perfectly acceptable. Nevertheless, if you take it too far, it can end up costing more than it saves. While lying about some things may be advantageous, telling the truth about others is always the better option.

Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

My ex-boyfriend tried to deceive me into thinking he didn’t smoke cigarettes, which was an issue for me. Oh, no, he wasn’t trying to hide his want to stop and instead was blatantly honest with me about his intentions. Hugging him felt like cuddling up to a walking ashtray; it was revolting!

On our first date, he said he detests smoking. “Wow, this is fantastic!” I thought to myself. “At long last, someone who agrees with me.” That, however, was not the case as it became apparent. Is he a good person? Yes, without a doubt. However, I will never get used to the smell that comes with smokers. I’m unable to complete the task.

In hindsight, he could have saved us a lot of misery if he had been more open and honest from the beginning.

Lie about none of the following ten things on your first date.

Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

Everything starts with a first date. There are several possibilities from there. This is why we’ve put together this list of the most critical things you should never lie about on a first date. Set them straight if you’re guilty of any of these!

1. What's your name?

Many people feel compelled to embellish their real name on a first date for various reasons. If things go wrong, it’s probably because it’s easier to vanish. There are several reasons not to lie about this.

Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

You won’t reply to that name, for starters. To add insult to injury, even if things work out and you give them the truth, and they’re still turned off, you may have destroyed your chances of connecting with them.

2. Your chronological age.

Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

The females, I’m talking to you, too. Telling people that you’re five years younger than you are is a bad idea. It’s impossible to keep track of, and you’ll eventually lose track of it.

They’ll be turned off by your lack of self-confidence, not to mention the fact that you lied. No one who wants to go out with you on that date cares little about your age.

3. Even if you don't have any children, you can't miss this one!

People don’t always know how to bring it up, but if you have children, you should bring it up. No one can ever meet your children if you refuse to introduce them despite having your children.

Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

If you don’t do that, you’ll be forced to accept that you kept your children are hidden from them, which would be heartbreaking enough. Anyone who lies about their offspring is unwelcome in anyone’s eyes. Having children is something that should never be ashamed of. It’s anyone’s loss if they don’t want to take on the challenge; those who do will stay.

4. It's your responsibility.

Things You Should Never Lie About on a First Date

Why would you tell a falsehood about something you do 70% of the time? In the heat of the moment, your profession reveals everything about you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t intend to work in that field for the rest of your life.

Most people will understand if you’re saving money for a new career, whether a job search or a return to school. They’re curious about your daily routine. It has a significant impact on how they perceive you.

5. Regardless of whether or not you're single.

Greetings, all of you scumbags! You’re on my mind! Make sure you don’t tell someone you’re single if you’ve got someone at home cooking you dinner. If you’re simply “considering” separating, don’t tell anyone you’re divorced.

Don’t mislead the interviewer by saying you’re seeing other individuals, even if nothing is serious. Let your date know precisely what you mean. As a result, there will be less possibility of misunderstanding on their end. You’ll also be able to put your mind at peace.

6. Regardless of whether you smoke or not.

Some individuals have strong views about dating someone who smokes, so I felt compelled to provide this warning. This will clear the air and let the other person speak their mind.

If the other person is genuinely interested in you, they may or may not be able to put up with it. A proposal like this should be put up as soon as possible.

7. Hobbies and pastimes, as well as other interests.

To begin with, why would you fabricate this story? This is the core of your being. Even if you’re frightened of criticism, you should never lie to someone else about the things you’re enthusiastic about or the activities you enjoy doing.

People are linked by their common interests and pastimes. How can your date determine if they like you or not if you speak lies about them? Because they are interested in a subject, do not tell them that you are interested in it, for the love of all things good and pure.

8. Pets of yours.

In the beginning stages of a relationship, pets can play a significant role. Not the most critical, but it’s still there. It’s a good idea to mention pets early on so that people don’t think it’s you that they’re allergic to after spending the night sneezing because of your pet.

9. Where you see yourself in 5 years.

When discussing your future, this can be a thorny issue since you need to be honest with them about your aspirations and dreams. Then again, you don’t want to shock them by revealing that you want a family, a spouse, a home, and a dream job within the next 5 years.

I simply want to talk about what I want to achieve professionally and personally. There is nothing wrong with saying that you want to be CEO of a large firm in five years. Lying about your employment aspirations serves no purpose.

10. You’re intentions.

Are you seeking a one-night stand or something more substantial? Because your date may not be looking for what you’re looking for, be careful to tell them. You should not, under any circumstances, go public with your feelings for them or your wish to establish a family immediately away.

In other words, tell them what you hope to get from the dating experience. Your date should know on the first date if you’re seeking for a long-term relationship or not.

A first date is all about whether or not you want to spend the rest of your life with the person you’re going out with. This is nearly impossible when you’re faking your identity as a human being. Let us tell you something: Don’t lie about any of the following on a first date!

We hope this list of things you should never lie about on a first date will help you find your life-long partner.

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